Nilay Studio

About Us

Imagine a home of your dreams, the tiny little elements living in it, the cute coffee mugs trail in the kitchen, the stack of beautiful ceramic bowls and plates, the coffee table and finding pieces to put together on it. Making stories and sharing them over with your loved ones.

This is us as a brand.

Hi! I am Mahima Sharma, founder of “Nilay Studio”. I started this brand as a longing that I forever had for a place called home that I shape and create with my own hands. I believe that home is a feeling that we live daily and hence all the pieces on our online store are specially curated and handpicked by me, being an Interior designer myself, I want everyone’s houses to make them feel even happier when they come back looking at the living they have created.

After all, HOME(NILAY) is the nicest word there is 🙂
Store Hours

Monday-Saturday : 10 AM–8PM IST

Sundays : Closed

The Team

When there is teamwork and collaboration Wonderful things can be achieved.